Business System Audit
Celebrating our birthdays birthday business business systems audit Jul 01, 2024

I started my business in July 2016. It has certainly changed a lot since then. I was made redundant in January 2015 and took three months off to...

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Unleashing the Power of Networking business marketing networking May 27, 2024

A Guide for Introverts 


In the dynamic landscape of business, networking isn't just a buzzword; it's a lifeline. It's all part of you...

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Stop Waiting for Perfection - Dive into Your Business Idea Now business support Jan 29, 2024

The entrepreneurial spirit burns bright in many, but it's often dimmed by the shadow of perfectionism. We get stuck in an analysis-paralysis loop,...

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Are You Setting Your Goals in December? business business goals organisation Dec 18, 2023

As the year draws to a close, many people find themselves reflecting on their accomplishments and setting goals for the future. While the...

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Lead Magnets and why you need them business support Dec 04, 2023

Let's talk about lead magnets...

The definition of a lead magnet: Lead magnets are a type of marketing technique that involves a business offering...

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Where does the passion lie in your Business? business business nuts & bolts club mentoring support Oct 09, 2023

 What part of your business gives you the most joy?

There's an insatiable need that drives us forward as business owners. It's the fuel that...

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